Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, August 22, 2024
May Your Prayer Pre-empt the Planned Attack
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on July 14, 2024

I fell asleep praying and chants arose in me including this one: "Sacred Heart of Jesus may Your reign come". I felt an intense surge of Love within me. I opened my eyes and saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus beside me. No sooner had I smiled at Him than Christ crowned with thorns replaced Him and made me understand His suffering. My heart sank as I saw His tears. Jesus then said to me:
Word of Jesus Christ:
"My daughter, see My suffering and tell your brothers how much I would like to spare them the brutal awakening they are about to experience. The revolutionaries' party is coming to an end. For them it was a day full of promise. With them were also celebrating brothers who imagined building a freer world, sharing in peace. Will they be the first victims of an accumulated hatred activated by Satan lighting the fire of a long-prepared war?
May your prayer pre-empt the planned attack. As soon as the inferno sparks, the signal will be given for all the false brothers who are committed to the destruction of the other (brother) and the others each wanting to obtain his glory and the wealth of a world that is nonetheless annihilated by their senseless wickedness.
My daughter so pure, My children so good and faithful, many of you are, like My sweet prophet, assaulted, slandered, spied on and hurt. Don't follow all the news, which by the way often contradicts itself and captivates you. Close your chatty, intrusive phones. You know that none of these political leaders work for the Glory of God, nor for the well-being of the people whose elected representatives they are, having to be responsible and guardians of their lives and quality of life. What do you live with them?
Close the door to their popularity, don't encourage their pseudo-humanistic and learned analyses and proposals. It is you, Children of God, who are bearers of Life. Your trust in God keeps you resilient in peace and faith despite the horror of tribulations that, moreover, you have suffered, until now, in unspeakable abuse, without realizing it.
Everything seduces you and leads you down the path of the science of emancipation, of liberation that aims to eliminate God from your lives to reduce you to slaves, and even robots, for the one whom Saint Michael will definitively strike down, the one who will be crushed by the heel of the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
The struggle is great for you, and beyond human comprehension, for it is your soul and your Supernatural Life (above nature) that will remain Eternal according to your Good Will and your free choice to be in God, which remains invulnerable to Evil and Death. Indeed, Christ, through His Sacrifice and death on a Cross, has conquered decay and redeemed the whole of humanity, which belongs only to God.
Only your enlightened decision disregards every threat that stands before you but can only reach your weakness in doubt and distance from faith.
Have faith, then, in God who loves you and does not abandon you. Fear, My children, is a weapon used to subjugate and even destroy you. Fear no longer exists when Faith and Love inhabit you.
Through the centuries God's people have been threatened and pursued. Obviously, the further away from good we get, the more subtly evil creeps in to invade completely.
When a lucid, solid Christian recognizes his situation and also sees that his brother has the same rights and needs as he does, that's openness to brotherhood and solidarity in the communion of saints, the people of God, the Body of Christ.
Yes, My beloved ones, My suffering is great, in the redemption that concerns you, which will remain until your total and all-encompassing conversion. I wear this crown of thorns out of Love and voluntarily, to free you from the pride that blinds you and holds you captive. My Divine Love comes, in this urgent call, to free you from the invader and his works of destruction.
Pray My children, keep firm and alive the bond that unites you to God Thrice Holy. Pray that all those called, Children of God, may receive the grace of conversion that causes the Light that never fades to spring forth in them.
I am Jesus with Mary Gate of Heaven and Saint Joseph Guardian of the Family of God, Be all brothers. It's been a long wait for you, but the joy of finally finding yourselves united in Peace and Love erases this pilgrimage through the Valley of Tears. Love triumphs
Jesus in each of you"
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God
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